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Do you need expert advice on maintaining your beard, or are you looking for a new haircut?

James & Etienne

 The Bespoke Barber Company has recently opened its doors at 51 Dyer Street, Cirencester. The expert team are on hand, to offer advice on haircut styling and give tips on how to maintain and manage your look. They also specialise in shaping beards with open blades, hot towels and facial moisturising, to help maintain your beard in excellent condition.

The team includes James, who has over thirty year’s experience in hairdressing and who has owned Jamie Daniel Hair in the Regent Arcade in Cheltenham for twenty years. For the last ten years he has run the Bath Bridge Barbers in Tetbury. James specialises in barbering and both traditional and modern fashion hairstyling work.

Etienne who is twenty-two, has been barbering since leaving school and trained at the London School of Barbering in Covent Garden. His niche and specialism is skin fade hair-cuts and all things high fashion.

The Bespoke Barber Company is open at 7.30 am weekdays and 7.00 am on

Now you know where to find Bespoke
Barber Company!

Saturdays, when a walk-in service is available for a pre-work haircut. An appointment service on Thursday evenings is open from 4.30 pm until 7.30 pm and Sundays from 9.00 am until 2.00 pm.

To book an appointment and receive expert advice on your new haircut or beard maintenance, contact the team at Bespoke Barber Company on 01285 643555.

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